Friday, October 24, 2008

20 Days Late...

Earlier in the month I made a post entitled, "A Day Late & A Dollah Short...". Looks like it may be a reoccurring theme. This time I am 20 Days late to blog about World Animal Day which was October 4. The comforting thing about this post is that, where I got it from, was late posting their article about World Animal Day as well. I love other delinquents.

The photography is UH-MAY-ZING. Gorgeous. Of course, like anything these days, the pictures are bittersweet because so many of these animals are already endangered and alarmingly close to extinction.

In honor of my grandpa, I selected the photo above. As you can see from the article, this polar bear and her cub are from the Stuttgart Zoo in Germany. Too cute. I can't take it.


DM said...

I want to be them.

andebobandy said...

be them, i want to own them. both of them. the mama, i'll make guard my yard and the baby i'll cuddle.